How do these bloggers do this?! Blog everyday it's insane, you can obviously see I am an epic fail at that. Between work, college and reading all my other blogs I subscribe to I find I have no time. Todays topic I would just like to lightly touch on the power house I like to call Scummit Entertainment aka Summit Entertainment. I've always kept little tabs on what they've been doing and I've let them slide with grace (well kind of) but this one really just pushed me over the edge and I'm starting to be alittle bit more vocal about this. If you guys haven't checked out the blog for Twitarded I suggest you do. This blog is for people who are over 18, and like to make fun of the life that is the Twilight Saga. On this blog we are free to make fun of the acting skills, the actors and some of the fans and/or merchandise that is out in this world. Now some may say well "when we make fun of Twilight you go all Jason on us" and yes while this is true I find this 100 percent acceptable. For a Twihard you CANT make fun of Twilight and just go on with your life, no. Us Twihards are NOT obsessed we are......protective. So on Twitarded we can make fun of the stuff you just made fun of and NOT get yelled at because well in the end if it came to winning a million dollars or meeting Robert Pattinson...we would take RPattz. We are here until the end, we're not just going to the midnight release of Twilight or New Moon, or casually bringing up anything Twilight every now and then, no we are here for good. We spend hours of our time (that we dont have) and much money (that we dont have) on this series. We blog, read other blogs, tweet, have events, and reading groups that re-read the books for the 20th time. We're dedicated. So end my rant.....back to Scummit. Recently Scummit decided to stop Twihards from purchasing Twitarded merchandise, saying something about how they own the logo or something?! I'm not going to get into the whole case you can step over to Twitardeds blog for the details, but this kind of put the cherry on the top. I clearly missed the memo that Summit is ruler of the world. Sure you scooped up the series, but let me tell you in a couple of years when you dont have the series, Rpattz, Kstew or any other of the're going to be nothing. Scummit should realize who is really keeping their business afloat during these tough economic times...thats right its us, the fans. If Scummit keeps pissing us off, we will have no problem boycotting. First its Taycob and having him reaudition, cutting Rachelle, and keeping Robsten apart, and now this attacking innocent bloggers who are really doing your work for free. I understand they may not want other people making money off of "their" franchise but let me tell you we are NOT making the millions of dollars they are. The millions of dollars that WE are giving you. Some people have already decided to only see Eclipse ONCE because of the Rachelle debacle...its not cool to mess with us. To the outside world we are insane, crazy, obsessed...but its the few hours I spend on the computer reading blogs, commenting, and having LIVE chats with other Twihards that make us realize that we are normal and the people outside dont know what its like to have a dream and passion for something. That to me is sad, so when one bigger company picks on other little independent companies, dont think people are just going to step aside. Alright. End Rant.
Sorry about all the " im going to pitch why I am a fan and why I deserve to be noticed" rant but I had to get it out...
I'm thinking about showing my blog to my friends....what do you think! I may not have followers but I see the numbers..thanks for atleast viewing my blog it means a lot to me...The viewings keep going up and I like that. Its like my secret oasis...
Sunday, October 18, 2009
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